Our Mission
The mission of the Shenango Valley Chorale, Inc. is to bring choral music as an art form to the largest possible number of citizens in the Shenango Valley and the surrounding communities. We consider ourselves ambassadors-at-large for Mercer County and, to this end, our objective is to perform in a broad geographical area in the United States and elsewhere.
The Chorale is continuing to build upon bringing choral music to the valley and encouraging young people to sing. We satisfy a need in the Shenango Valley for a continuation of choral activity for those individuals who possess singing ability and wish to participate. Few activities can offer such an opportunity to bridge the generation gap with a cooperative effort for both young and old toward a common purpose.
Our Board
The Board meets on the third Saturday of every month except for July and December. Meeting dates are subject to change.
President Jennifer Stephenson
Vice President Krystal Miller
Secretary Kelly Coates
Treasurer Mark Nelson
Past President Susan Piccirilli
Committee Chairs
Development Susan Piccirilli and Karen Emmett
Technology Mark Nelson
Director Dr. Stephen Barr
Governance George Gerhart
Performing Ensemble Laura Kruest
Public Relations Krystal Miller
Madrigals Susan Piccirilli
Stage Manager John Woge
Librarian Laura Kruest
Historian Suzanne Taylor
At Large
Robert Anderson
Matt Carlsen
Julie Freeman Kerr
Adam Garon
Maggie Kelso
Pam Maloney
Stephanie Pavlovich
Doadi Rockwell
Vicki Thomas
Ron Tomko
In The Community
Over the years, the Shenango Valley Chorale has participated in several community events and programs and has dedicated itself to promoting choral music in Western Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio. The Chorale provides the opportunity for local residents to sing in a talented choral group.
Did You Know?
The Chorale is regularly featured on Labor Day in support of the Buhl Day activities at Buhl Park in Sharon.
The Chorale presents Handel’s Messiah each year which is open to the community at no charge.
Late in the fall of 2011, the Chorale made a spontaneous video of “The Battle Hymn of the Republic,” which was then forwarded to Yellow Ribbon Mothers and soldiers stationed in The Armory in North Carolina and the Freeport Flag Ladies in Bangor, Maine. May God bless the men and women who have served, and are serving their country, and all of the families and friends who support their effort.
In 2022, members of the Chorale were honored to sing John Rutter’s Requiem alongside other national choral groups at Carnegie Hall in New York City.